Louise walden and Owen Edwards. Louise focusing on fatloss lost 4lb's in a month. Owen focusing on gaining muscle had gained 2lb's in one month.
"Working with josh is honestly amazing! Being athletes ranked amongst the worlds top set, we have had the honour of working with the worlds top sporting professionals. Without question joshua has the ability to rival anyone of our previous coaches. His commitment and unconditional support to us as clients and athletes was exceptional and his knowledge is credible, well researched and diverse. Working with Josh we consider as a privilege and has trained us to the best form we have ever been in our sporting career. We highly recommend him to anyone whatever their focus, goal or ability. Thank you Josh for joining our team!"
- Louise Walden and Owen Edwards, 2011 British Ice Dance Champions, British Olympic Association 2014 Athletes, World and European Championship Finalists.
Kelly Helm - Auxiliary Nurse & University Student. Really benefited from her life coaching sessions.
"It's really hard to find someone who will take time to just listen and guide you through your problems and anxieties. Not only is Josh a good and willing listener but he is easy to talk to and very understanding. His patience is commendable and his passion and drive is inspirational. He makes you want to excel yourself and gives you the confidence to dream big and set yourself goals you thought you could never achieve. It would be fair to say iv had my fair share of knock backs this year and before talking to Josh I was ready to give up on the only thing I have ever felt passionate about but with his help and encouragement I am back on track and aiming high. I highly recommend anyone who is feeling down or unmotivated to try a life coaching session with Josh, you won't regret it."
Sam Biddle : Technical Crew for 53 degrees / operations event technician - Life coaching client.
I came to josh to help me on purely friendship basis but I quickly found out that josh was a incredible great listener. I not only found out he was a great listener but I also found out that he was doing life coaching classes. Which really helped me with my confidence and relationship issues, so much so that within a 2 weeks i was playing my guitar in front of 300 plus people. Josh didn’t give me the answers but he showed me the path to the answers that I already know and help me see thought the cloudiness that was in mind. He was very patient and within a matter of weeks I found myself stepping into situations that I would normally shy away from. Josh is a truly great life coach one that I would recommend to anyone.
Robin Campbell - Popular music and record production graduate, gained size and strength through online fitness coaching. Gained a 7lb's in 2 months.
From my relatively small time training with Josh, I've felt that he has successfully done a number of things in such a short space of time for myself. The hardest battle I think, is incorporating the lifestyle of training into your daily routine, which is something josh does so well. Not only does he educate on how to achieve your goals, he explains why it does, which sets you up for your own understanding of your own training regime. I suddenly understood that food plays just as an important role as your weight training routine. But more importantly, and I will always say this is the biggest battle, is that of motivation.
Josh supports your progress every step of the way, and that has led to myself not only incorporating the methodology and regime into your daily life, but recognising the individual steps it takes to get there. Without this, I wouldn't have learnt any where near what I have done. I know now what routines I want to do, I've improved my diet to match my routine and most importantly I was given the motivation to know how to grade my progress and to achieve my personal goals. Fantastic work Josh! I'm feeling good, I'm looking better! I've got a distance still to go until I achieve what I want but it's something I enjoy working too and something that I feel is now achievable unlike before. Wish you the best dude! - Robin Campbell.
Dan Zeshan managed to go from 60kg to 65kg in 7 months training less than 5 hours per week. Only 17 years old!
"Even though times have been tough, Josh has always managed to keep me fully motivated and has helped me achieve some incredible results! I started training with Josh as a skinny boy, and after training for just one year, I have grown into a much fitter, more muscular, healthier young man. I have learned lots about how my body works, the importance of healthy nutrition and the astounding impact that exercise can have in life! I could never have come this far without such a fantastic personal trainer. Thank you, Josh." - Dan Zeshan
Berekhet Berakhy - University volunteer coordinator, Monitoring / Evaluation Assessment Officer. Gained a great insight through the use of motivational strategies.
“I haven't been to an event to listen to a motivational speaker before. For some reason, I was a sceptic. Listening to Josh however, did help me see the value in listening to someone elses story and gaining an insight into how they were able to overcome the various challenges they faced and in particular the lessons they learned from it and what it might mean for my life.
I was particularly touched and empowered by his examples and demonstration of what the saying “Dogs don't bark at parked cars” meant. It gave me the extra energy to try harder and celebrate both my successes and failures and enjoy the discovery that I was one step closer to what I really want to achieve.
Thank you Josh. So young but so experienced as well.” - Berekhet Berakhy.
Rachel Sadler lost 2.5 stone (35 lb's) in 4 months. Completely changed her eating habits began to enjoy exercise.
"I got in contact with Josh knowing he would be the only one I would be 100% honest / comfortable talking about my eating habits which is very important in getting the best results. He was always a phone call away if I needed any help or support. However little or silly I might of have felt asking a question he was always happy to help! I lost 2 and a half stone with the right diet and exercise which I thoroughly enjoyed. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Josh to anyone. I really couldn't have done it without him" - Rachel Sadler
Joesy Reader - Argos Manager, mum of 2, works 60 hours per week still manages to find time to exercise 3-5 hours per week. Lost 1 stone (14lb's) in 10 weeks.
"Josh gives you the confidence to want to do it. Holidays always knock me back because of eating but now I always have the motivation to get back on track. Being a yoyo dieter all my life I have found josh's methods to be easier to maintain and get into. Now I can eat healthier and more of what I want instead of starving myself and binging. Time management being a very important part of my life josh's training was exactly what I needed to get the job done being short and intense. Having two extremely athletic children, it has always made me want to stay healthy and fit and I can actually do it now thanks to josh. Good luck for your future. Keep in touch. Really going to miss you. Will be waiting for yah on your return. Thanks Josh x" - Josie Reeder
Lily France - Working model and student.
"Honestly can't recommend Josh highly enough... He manages to be inspirational and motivating whilst remaining patient and understanding. I had asked for a program that would accommodate an exiting back problem and am very happy with the recommendations Josh made. My taster session was hard work yet fun and rewarding, and I fully intend to have more sessions before Josh heads off to London."
Sam Douglas French - Music graduate and working musician gained 6lbs in 1 month through online coaching!
"Josh has honestly been an incredible trainer. He showed me how I can hit my macros and still eat the foods I enjoy and also have a personal life along said my training. Not only did Josh train me he also gave me the knowledge that I need to carry on training and to keep progressing. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the weight training, before I would find it tedious and boring but the training methods that Josh has taught me over the last month have resulted in me really enjoying the weight training, not just the eating. Overall I couldn’t have asked for more from Josh, he was highly motivating and positive, always encouraging me to keep pushing and progressing, he gave me so much knowledge about training and nutrition and most of all he put up with my endless questions! Had so much fun during my month with Josh and cannot wait to train with him again. Thanks Josh!"
Brenda Allen - HR Manager lost 14 lbs (1 stone) in 2 month through training more intensely and shorter in duration, while combining balance nutrition to reach her fat loss and performance goals.
"I would never of made it up Ben Nevis without the core strength stability training I learnt (as well as proper programming and nutrition). Raised over £1000 for charity in doing so. Gives you confidence having a PT like you, can accept new challenges and strengthens your self belief. Thanks Josh and good luck at Uni."
Raj tetali - BAE Systems Project Control Employee / Student.
Raj managed to fix his posture and help rehabilitate a long lasting knee injury. Gained strength and size in just 1 month!
"In a short space of time I have accomplished a hell of a lot with Josh. He created a personal routine for me to follow which was at first completely different to what I usually do. However a month on I have noticed a massive increase in strength (8kg in chest press, 5kg in curls, 5kg in leg raises) Personally, I wanted to solve 2 main areas with Josh- my posture and my knees. I have terrible posture with forward bearing shoulders and with small changes and certain workouts Josh, has helped me tackle that long standing problem and now I feel as if I am bigger! I have had a long-term knee injury for several years, which over the last month has felt a lot better and are able to do squats properly and leg exercises without pain! I would definitely recommend Josh to anyone of any fitness level. Very motivating and very much a top personal trainer!"
- Joshua Leo Stuart: True health fitness CEO & founder, CYQ Advanced personal trainer and NCFE professional life coach, motivational speaker. Went from 129 lb's to 187 lb's
"Life isn't about where we start or where we finish, but is about who we become in the gradients in between. Life isn't measured on how much money we make, but is measured on how far we travel as people. Victory is always possible for those who refuse to stop fighting.
The separation between champions and normality, is their perseverance to always show up and fight in battle. They get knocked down just as much as anyone else but they find the courage to keep standing back up for what they believe in until they succeed."
- Joshua Leo Stuart.